Arthur "Tudy" Dominguez Arthur "Tudy" Dominguez, beloved father, son, brother and uncle, passed away at home on Friday, April 12, 2013 surrounded by his loved ones. He will be remembered for his joy of life, his wonderful home-cooked meals, and his complete love for his family. He was a Vietnam Veteran who served his country as a Boatswain's Mate in the U.S. Navy. He enjoyed life to the fullest, even more so since the birth of his grandson Jeremiah. He will be missed and eternally remembered by his wife Mercy and his two daughters, Nicole and son Jeremiah, and Jacqueline, his sister Eva Carrasco and favorite brother-in-law Joe Carrasco, and many nieces and nephews. Memorial services and reception will be held at Holy Family Church at 11:00 a.m. April 20, 2013 at 1908 N. Court St. Visalia, CA.