Sandra Lea Butler-Grijalva, beloved mother, daughter, grandmother, sister, and friend passed into our loving Father's arms on April 5th, 2014 in Visalia CA. Sandy was born in Akron CO. on April 1st, 1949. Her mother Marie Murphy-Butler-Mathews brought her to California in 1956. Sandy loved the sun, the ocean, the mountains, her animals, and her family. She is survived by her mother Marie, her son Lewis Freitas and his wife Sherrie, her son Joey Freitas and his wife Bridget. She is also survived by her sisters and brother, Gail Butler-DeMoss and her husband George, David Butler, Cheryl Mathews-Huff, and Debra Mathews-Ward and her husband John. Sandy was blessed with five grandchildren Vincent Freitas, Ashley Freitas, Ariel Freitas, Derrick Freitas-Minnick, and Alyssa Freitas. She was also blessed with four of the cutest great-grandbabies you've ever seen. All of her grandchildren were the light of her life. Sandy's father Lewis Joseph Mathews was there to welcome her home along with our heavenly Father. A memorial will be held on April 18th, 10:00 a.m. at Grace Temple, 616 E. Malone Street, Hanford, CA. In lieu of flowers please consider donating to the Alzheimer's Research Foundation.