Charli Anne Mitchell (more formally known as Charlotte Anne Mitchell ) passed away peacefully in the loving arms of her parents September 12, 2021 She was a fighter from the start, beating the odds and giving hope to everyone she met. During her brief visit on earth, Charli loved being held close in her parents arms. She loved holding hands, getting her nose itched and getting lots of kisses. she was obsessed with her pacifier, loved staring at her crib mobile or ocean soother and most of all Charli loved being patted gently until she fell asleep. Charli was known around the hospital for being the fiesty baby. It was her feistiness that gave us two wonderful and memorable months with her. A beautiful baby girl who touched so many lives in such a brief time. Charli is deeply loved by her mommy and daddy, sister Amberlynn and brother Mason, her grandparents, her great grandparents, her aunts, her great aunts and uncles, cousins and many many others.