John Carl Whittall, age 81, peacefully passed on May 7th 2023, in Tulare, CA, with beloved one's near. His beautiful survivors are Wife Maureen Whittall (of 37 yrs), Daughter Rhonda Burmeister, Granddaughter Samantha Burmeister , Great Granddaughter Ivy Robinson as well as his 3 non biological children Darren Bryce, Kristin Payne and Tyler Bryce, 4 grandchildren plus great grandchildren and his Brother David Whittall. John was a hardworking man, serving in the Airforce and later Vice President to the local Bank. He was a dedicated Horseman who was President of the Woodlake Lions Club, loved the rodeo and his animal's. You are dearly missed and moments shared with you are forever loved and cherished. Try to stay out of trouble! Until we meet again.