Murna Evelyn Sinor Dicks was born in Kemp, OK, the 4th of 7 children on December 23, 1944 and passed away on April 10, 2019 after fighting a long fight with a terminal illness. Her family moved to Hayward, CA during her school years where she graduated from Tennyson High. She married at 19 and had 2 children. Murna lived Lemoore, CA, Adak, AK, Chico, CA where she held jobs as a Warehouse Manager for the Navy Exchange, Candlewick Yarns, 3M Manufacturing Plant, and an Activity Director before retiring due to Rheumatoid Arthritis and moving to Visalia, CA 18 years ago. For 16 of those years Murna's passion was being a member of the Visalia Police Departments Volunteer In Police Service (VIPS). Almost every one of those 16 years contributing over 7000 hours to the community. She received numerous awards such as Volunteer of the Year and receiving a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition for her service to the community. Murna will be sorely missed by her family, her children, daughter Kimberlee Dicks, son Caryl Dicks and all who knew her. Services for Murna will be held at Hadley-Marcom Funeral Chapel of Visalia at 12pm on Friday, April 26th.