Bobby Grammer

Bobby Grammer

Sep 10, 2015

Services Pending

Martha Margaret Vance

Martha Margaret Vance

Sep 9, 2015

Services Pending

Nora H. Papion

Nora H. Papion

Sep 9, 2015

The Day God Took You Home In tears we saw you sinking, And watched you pass away. Our hearts were broken, We wanted you to stay. But when we saw you sleeping, So peaceful, free from pain, How could we wish you back with us, To suffer that again. It broke our hearts to lose you, But you did not...

Fernando Rodriguez

Fernando Rodriguez

Sep 6, 2015

(No Obituary Text Available)

Robert Rojas Pulido

Robert Rojas Pulido

Sep 2, 2015

Memorial Service Saturday, September 19, 2015 11:00 am. Farmersville Church of God 1132 E Ash Street Farmersville, CA.

David Pearson

David Pearson

Sep 1, 2015

Services pending

Sylvia Grammer

Sylvia Grammer

Sep 1, 2015

Services pending

Frank Andrade

Frank Andrade

Aug 29, 2015

Amazing Grace Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound; That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found Was blind, But now I see. " Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved; How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed! Thro' many dangers , toils, and snares,...

Robert Bjornstad

Robert Bjornstad

Aug 24, 2015

Services pending

Carl Jorgense

Carl Jorgense

Aug 23, 2015

Services pending

Betty Wells

Betty Wells

Aug 19, 2015

Betty Sue Wells, 72, returned to her heavenly home on August 19, 2015. Betty's light, energy and attitude was contagious and affected everyone she knew and everyone that was lucky enough to meet her. She lived her life on her own terms. Her devotion to her family and her firm belief in God supported her in life and ultimately gave...

David Eugene Ridenour

David Eugene Ridenour

Aug 16, 2015

(No Obituary Text Available)

Alex Orozco

Alex Orozco

Aug 14, 2015

Services pending

Maria Zaragoza

Maria Zaragoza

Aug 13, 2015

Siempre en Nuestros Corazones Fuiste de nosotros toda la vida Y ser muy difcil tu partida Extraaremos el sonido de tu voz Y las bellas flores de tu jardn. Es la promesa de Dios que esto no es el fin. Ser muy difcil vivir sin tu sonrisa Aunque sabamos que tu cuerpo ya tena prisa, Guarda por nosotros desde los...

Jennie Murillo

Jennie Murillo

Aug 12, 2015

Fill not your hearts with pain and sorrow But remember me in every tomorrow. Remember the joy, the laughter, the smiles, I've only gone to rest a little while. Although my leaving caused pain and grief, My going has eased and given me relief. So dry your eyes and remember me, Not as I am now, but as I used...

Virginia Fernandez Paez

Virginia Fernandez Paez

Aug 7, 2015

Fill not your hearts with pain and sorrow But remember me in every tomorrow. Remember the joy, the laughter, the smiles, I've only gone to rest a little while. Although my leaving caused pain and grief, My going has eased and given me relief. So dry your eyes and remember me, Not as I am now, but as I used...

Cristina Flores De Silva

Cristina Flores De Silva

Aug 7, 2015

Cristina Flores De Silva March 28, 1955 - August 7, 2015 Woodlake Ca On August 7, 2015 Cristina peacefully joined her Lord and Savior at His Throne of Glory. Born in Colima, Mexico on March 28, 1955 to Martin Florez and Cristina Dominquez. She moved to California in 1978 where she worked in agriculture. Cristina moved to Woodlake in 1996...

Rodney Eugene Morphis

Rodney Eugene Morphis

Aug 2, 2015

Rod Morphis- July 28, 1963 - Aug 2, 2015 passed away peacefully at the age of 52 surrounded by family and friends on Aug 2, 2015. He is survived by his wife Desiree Morphis; daughters, Amber Morphis and Crystal Morphis; son-in-Law, Evan Rico; granddaughter, Olivia Rico; mother, Glendine Morphis; brother, Mike Morphis and 3 nephews. He was a very gifted...

Jeffery Clifford Zaring

Jeffery Clifford Zaring

Jul 30, 2015

(No Obituary Text Available)

April Ann Voda